Webinar: How to Mold the Same Parts But with More Cavities

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How to Mold the Same Parts But with More Cavities

In this FREE Webinar, you’ll learn how a more efficient injection molding process can dramatically improve your bottom line. Paulson’s Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant will demonstrate key science-based molding principles showing you how to produce the same parts but with more cavities while also reducing cycle time, and producing less wasted plastic. He’ll also show you the various relationships between process parameters and part properties. You will gain an in-depth explanation of how to increase production capacity per machine, per year all by understanding scientific molding principles and its crucial impact on profits. 

Key Take Aways:

  • How to calculate the increased volume of plastic due to the increased cavitation
  • Understand how to lower reject rates
  • Learn how to reduce cycle times
  • Identify how to produce less wasted plastic
  • Observe the relationship between mold temperature and part defects
  • Observe the relationship between melt temperature and part properties
  • Learn how small incremental changes can equal large changes in productivity


In this FREE webinar you will see techniques that can dramatically change the way you mold.


Special Guest: Donald C. Paulson

2021 Plastics Hall of Fame Inductee, (read more here), Donald Paulson is the founder and chairman of Paulson Training Programs, Inc. and the creator of the now widely accepted method of teaching plastic processing from the “Plastics Point of View”. Don will join this webinar and give his valuable insight into how science based molding principles can make all the difference in processing plastic.  An experience you won’t want to miss.

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