Explore technical topics in injection molding with our FREE on-demand educational webinars: small nuggets of valuable injection molding expertise to help you discover the transformative power of injection molding training with SimTech™, Paulson’s pioneering injection molding machine simulator.


Enjoy FREE on-demand educational webinars featuring small nuggets of valuable injection molding expertise to help you discover the transformative power of training with SimTech™.



View Pre-recorded Webinar Titles Below.

Get to Know SimTech™

Explore and understand how SimTech operates.

Scientific Molding with SimTech™

Learn the science behind molding using interactive lessons with SimTech.

Problem Solving with SimTech™

Understand what machine control adjustments are necessary to correct specific part defects.

Profitable Molding with SimTech™

Learn key molding techniques that will immediately improve machine output by at least 10 percent.

How to Optimize Molding Set-Ups with SimTech™

Learn how optimization translates to actual dollars saved. In this webinar, we’ll show you how.

Learn the Science Behind the 4 Plastic Variables with SimTech™

Quickly solve any plastic processing problem by understanding the “four plastic variables”. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares how his early research revolutionized processing plastic.

Understand the Science Behind Plastic Melt Temperature with SimTech™

In this FREE webinar, we’re tackling the topic of plastic melt temperature. It’s often assumed that the melt temperature is the same as our front barrel zone and nozzle heater temperatures. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

The Science Behind Plastic Flow Rate with SimTech™

In this FREE webinar, we place our focus on plastic flow rate, one of the four basic plastic variables. Establishing accurate control is vital to a repeatable molding process. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight. 

The Science Behind Plastic Pressure with SimTech™

In this FREE webinar, we tackle the particulars of plastic pressure, one of the four basic plastic variables. Establishing accurate control is vital to a repeatable molding process. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight including some key technical “pressure” points. 

Understand the Science Behind Plastic Cooling Rate with SimTech™

Plastic cooling rate is one of the four basic plastic variables. As “chilling” as that sounds, establishing accurate control is vital to a repeatable molding process. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Know Your Plastic Variables. Hint: There’s Only Four.

Our expert instructor dives deep into scientific injection molding, using Paulson’s powerful machine simulator SimTech™. BONUS! Guest Speaker, and Plastic Hall of Famer, Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Discover Molding Strategies to Boost Your Bottom Line with SimTech™

In this FREE webinar, you’ll learn how implementing data-driven strategies can dramatically impact your bottom line.

Learn Key Troubleshooting Strategies with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, discusses and demonstrates key scientific molding principles that will help you effectively troubleshoot part problems, gain strategies to help increase part production, reduce scrap, achieve faster cycle times, and save you thousands of dollars. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Solve Flash from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, looks at the pesky problem of Flash. Gain critical insight into the causes and solutions to this age old problem and how approaching molding from the Plastics Point of View can help you avoid it in the first place. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to solve Burn Marks from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, reviews the causes and solutions to burn marks. Burn marks occur when plastic fills the cavity and air is pushed ahead of the flow front. Learn some key strategies to avoid burn marks. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Targeting Dimensions from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, reviews the challenge of meeting dimensional tolerances when molding. Molding a part that meets all dimensional requirements has traditionally been one of the more difficult tasks in injection molding. All four of the plastic variables: pressure, temperature, flow rate and cooling rate have an effect on final part dimensions. There is a lot to consider when problem solving for dimensions.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to Solve Weld Lines from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, explores weld lines and how they develop. He’ll review some strategies to avoid them and examine familiar scenarios showing possible solutions utilizing our SimTech injection molding simulator.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to solve Burn Marks from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, reviews the causes and solutions to burn marks. Burn marks occur when plastic fills the cavity and air is pushed ahead of the flow front. Learn some key strategies to avoid burn marks. BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to Solve Warp from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, explores warp and how it occurs. He’ll review some strategies to avoid them and examine familiar scenarios showing possible solutions utilizing our SimTech injection molding simulator.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to Solve Sink Marks from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, explores sink marks and how they occur. He’ll review some strategies to avoid them and examine familiar scenarios showing possible solutions utilizing our SimTech injection molding simulator.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to Solve Voids from the Plastics Point of View with SimTech™

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, discusses and demonstrates key scientific molding principles that will help you effectively address Voids when molding. You’ll get insider information on how and why voids occur and possible strategies to avoid them.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to Build a Set-Up Process from Scratch with SimTech™

With a new mold, how do you do the job of building a repeatable, optimized process that will mold thousands of parts? How do you do it most efficiently? This webinar gets into the nitty gritty and shows you how.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

The Seven Steps to Becoming an Expert Molder

In this webinar, our Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, will identify the seven steps to becoming an expert molder. He’ll give an overview and explore each of the steps by explaining the science behind the plastic. Understanding the material science is the basis from which each crucial step is built.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Understand Common Properties of Plastic Material with a Focus on Temperature

How does temperature affect plastic? What happens to the plastic if it heats up too fast? At what temperature does plastic melt? Understanding the material science is step one and is the basis from which each step in the molding process is built. In this webinar, our expert instructor, Todd Bryant, will show exactly what happens to the plastic material at different points within the molding process.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Let’s Talk the Four Steps of the Molding Cycle

How do you increase productivity and reduce part problems? Understanding the four steps of the molding cycle is key. In this webinar, our expert instructor, Todd Bryant will use SimTech, our injection molding machine simulator, to run dozens of cycles with various inputs to demonstrate just how each of the four steps affect part properties. You’ll see in real-time how understanding plastic behavior is the critical first step.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Step One of the Molding Cycle: Heating the Plastic

How does temperature affect plastic? What happens to the plastic if it heats up too fast? At what temperature does plastic melt? Understanding the material science is step one and is the basis from which each step in the molding process is built. In this webinar, our expert instructor, Todd Bryant, will show exactly what happens to the plastic material at different points within the molding process.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Step Two of the Molding Cycle: Making Plastic Flow

In this webinar, our expert instructor examines the topic of plastic flow rate. The unique properties of polymer molecules make accurate control of flow rate vital to a repeatable molding cycle. You’ll gain a decent understanding of plastic flow rate.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Step Three of the Molding Cycle: Applying Pressure

Plastic pressure is one of the four basic plastic variables. In this webinar, our expert instructor, Todd Bryant will use SimTech, our injection molding machine simulator, to demonstrate just how important plastic pressure is and how it affects part properties. You’ll see in real-time how understanding the science of plastic behavior is the critical producing quality parts.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

Step Four of the Molding Cycle: Cooling the Plastic

In this webinar, we examine the topic of plastic cooling rate. The rate that the parts cool in the cavity influences many of the finished part properties. Cooling rate is controlled by the mold coolant temperature and its flow rate. You’ll see in real-time how understanding the science of plastic behavior is critical to producing quality parts.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How the Four Plastic Variables Work Together.

In this webinar, we review the four steps of the molding cycle and demonstrate how they work together. Our webinar host and expert instructor walks through a set of molding scenarios utilizing molding simulation illustrating how the four plastic variables affect part properties.

BONUS! Guest Speaker Don Paulson shares his expert insight.

How to Reduce Cycle Time from the “Plastics Point of View”

Paulson’s Founder and Hall of Famer, Don Paulson, and Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant discuss and demonstrate key science-based molding principles showing you how to reduce cycle time, produce less wasted plastic, increase part production, and show you the various relationships between process parameters and part properties.

How to Move a Mold to Another Machine Part One.

Our lead instructor, Todd Bryant reviews best practices in mold transfer and show you how key science-based molding principles can impact process parameters and part properties.

How to Mold the Same Parts but with More Cavities.

In this FREE Webinar, Paulson’s Senior Instructor, Todd Bryant, demonstrates key science-based molding techniques showing you how to produce the same parts but with more cavities while also reducing cycle time, and producing less wasted plastic.


Plastics Processing 101: Understand Plastic Behavior and Become a Better Molder

This webinar takes a deep dive into the foundational aspects of injection molding from a science based perspective.

Plastics Thinking and Machine Thinking, What’s the Difference?

In this webinar we demonstrate in real-time how the primary machine controls affect the four plastic variables to help you understand the distinction between plastic thinking and machine thinking.


What Process Outputs Should We Monitor? Part One

In this video, our expert instructor discusses the six key metrics to monitor during production to ensure a steady state process.


What Process Outputs Should We Monitor? Part Two

This is part two of a webinar discussing key metrics to monitor during production to ensure a steady state process.


Actionable Steps Plastic Professionals Can Take to Achieve Profit Goals

For some plastic processors, improving machine output by 10 percent seems more like a pipe dream than a reality. But what if we shared some of our key training strategies that could help you achieve this goal and more? In this webinar, you’ll learn how a more efficient injection molding process can dramatically improve your bottom line.

Part ONE: Unlock Kaizen strategies to increase profits & Growth

If you’re a plant supervisor seeking to optimize your operations, have you considered introducing Kaizen? Sometimes big improvements come by way of small and continuous incremental changes, which is what Kaizen is all about. In this webinar you’ll learn how applying practical science-based principles paired with Kaizen techniques can help you increase plant efficiencies and profitability.


Part TWO: How to Apply Kaizen to increase profits & Growth

This webinar is part two of a two-part webinar topic discussing how the philosophy of Kaizen and Paulson’s revolutionary training approach, from the “Plastics Point of View” (PPV), can significantly improve plant operations. For part two, we take this idea even further. You’ll learn more about how applying practical science-based principles paired with Kaizen techniques can help you increase plant efficiencies and profitability.


What problems can blocking cavities have on final part properties?

In this webinar wel explore what happens to the cavity balance of a mold once cavities are blocked and review important techniques and best practices you can employ to develop an optimized process without blocked cavities.

How Blocking cavities can affect profits

In our previous webinar we talked about how blocked cavities can create part problems. However, we also talked about how in a real-world production-floor environment there are times when a cavity needs to be blocked off. We’ll review some of those scenarios but more importantly we’ll go over best practices in running the mold.

How to Achieve Massive Success with a Structured Training Program

This webinar highlights the benefits of a solid training program and how it can create efficiency in operations, save on material costs, and aid in safety protocols as well as be a valuable tool in recruiting, onboarding, and advancing. All benefits that can lead to massive success. Our instructor walks you though practical steps you can take in selecting the best training and shows you how to get started.


How to Master Complex Part Challenges from the Plastics Point of View

This webinar explores complex part challenges in injection molding with a focus on warp and in it, the webinar identifies solutions based on Paulson’s pioneering teaching method from the “Plastics Point of View.”


Decoding Flash: What’s the Plastic Trying to Tell You?

This webinar reviews the causes and solutions to a common part defect called flash and discusses science based strategies to correct this type of plastic part defect.


Burn Marks & Short Shots: Solutions Unveiled!

This webinar we delve into the world of burn marks and short shots in plastic molding and review the causes and solutions to this pesky problem using Paulson’s cutting-edge injection molding machine simulator, SimTech.


Harness the power of scientific molding to solve common part defects

In this webinar we share key scientific molding strategies you can apply when troubleshooting common part defects. All machine controls affect one or more of the four plastic processing variables.


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