New! Online Spanish Injection Molding Courses from Paulson



Paulson Training Programs announces the Spanish language version of their latest injection molding courses, The Technology of Injection Molding (Level One & Level Two) that’s available online anytime, anywhere, and on any device. In addition, this training can be loaded onto a company’s LMS system and is also available on interactive DVDs, making for easy access on internal company networks.

Offering Paulson courses in Spanish is not a new development, but offering a Spanish online version is; making it a game changer for companies who operate multiple plants with English and Spanish speaking personnel.

Possessing the ability to deliver a consistent level of technical
knowledge within one organization, accessible online, will give any company a competitive edge.

Whether a company consists of process engineers, technicians, operators, part and mold designers, mold making machinists, or any employee; The Technology of Injection Molding series offers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of injection molding processing that dramatically improves employee skills and molding knowledge and now it’s
available online in Spanish.

For more information visit



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